Prefatory Note

The chronicle of the 295th Infantry-Division offers an insight into the history, mission and the services rendered of its soldiers in the Second World War. I express my thanks and recognition to the author for this long awaited documentation.

All survivors as well as bereaveds of our killed and missing comrades have the right to know with which courage and bravery the soldiers of our division fought in World war II.

The majority of our soldiers were men from Lower-Saxony. These magnificent, conscientious and nature-loving men left their stamp on our units. Under their symbol "crossed horse-heads" on themotor- or horse- drawn vehicles this unit was known as the "Lower-Saxon-Division", which was granted a high ranking.

Belonging to the fateful 6th Army our division was also met by the Stalingrad disaster. True to legal foundations and soldierly performance of their duty the soldiers of our division got through heaviest fights and suffered great privations, all this in good faith and under big sacrifices, brave and honourable.

May this chronicle of the 295th Infantry-Division find many readers and encourage them to reflect. In deep respect and gratitude I bow to our killed and missions comrades, to the sorely tried families and their descendants. Kempten/Allg., in September 1997
Paul Baier Lieutnant Colonel,
retired Commander Engineer battalion 295th Division